Daily Routine


We offer the following programs:

                                                                                          3 Day Classes

                                                           Mon., Wed., Fri. mornings: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.


                                                                                          2 Day Class

                                                           Tue. and Thur. mornings: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.


Encourage your child to be prompt most days. However, there will be times in your family’s schedule when a few more minutes for eating, getting dressed, or just waking up will be needed. At those times, allow your child that time so that s/he can arrive at preschool in a relaxed manner. Plan for your child to have a set bedtime the night before his/her school day. Because school is stimulating, your child may need extra sleep.

Your child should wear comfortable, washable, play clothes and play shoes. Being too dressed up will limit his/her involvement in the program. Each child should have a complete change of clothing (including underwear and socks) in his/her cubby at all times, in case a change is necessary. All personal items must be labeled with the child’s name. Each child needs a pair of outdoor shoes/boots in his/her locker. We request that these are something your child can put on by him/herself. Each child must also have a bike helmet that should be kept at school for riding the tricycles.


Please label ALL belongings!

We ask that the children do not bring toys or personal items to school. If your child would like to bring something to share, we recommend a special book, an object from nature, or something pertaining to our current units of study.

Please do not leave your child at school until the appointed time, to allow teachers time for preparation.




A Typical School Day

Children participate in the following activities:


Self-Directed Time to "Work"


Music or Spanish


Snack Time


Story/Group Time


Outdoor Play

Please send a small healthy snack each day in a bag or lunch box clearly labeled with your child’s name.  Refer to the monthly calendar and do not send a snack on cooking day.  Disposable drink containers do not need to be labeled as this is an opportunity we will take to teach your child how to spell his/her name.  

Some suggestions for snacks:  (Choose 1 or 2)

            one piece of fruit                     juice

            cheese and crackers             yogurt             

            small sandwich                       rice cakes

            raw vegetables                       dried fruit

            peanut butter crackers           pita bread

            bagel                                       raisins


Each child must have a pair of outdoor shoes/boots and a bike helmet that should be kept in their locker for riding tricycles. Please send your child with a jacket, hat, mittens, etc. or other appropriate clothing depending on the weather forecast for that day. Remember to label all belongings!



Early pick up:

If you need to pick up your child early, please step in and wait by the door.  The teacher will tap your child to come to you.


11:30 or 3:00 pick up:

If your child is having group time, a teacher will open the door and send the children to their lockers as group time finishes. If your child is on the playground or in the playroom, you may step to where a teacher sees you and she will call your child to you.  Then you may help him/her collect lunch box and personal belongings from his/her locker.  Remember to check for any notifications that may be in your child’s locker drawer.


If carpooling, please make sure your child knows who to ride with each day, and make sure that person is listed as someone who can pick up your child.




If you would like to talk to the teachers, please arrange a time for a conference after 3:15, call us at home, or e-mail us at churchstreetpreschool@gmail.com.  We welcome and encourage conversations and conferences with you, but we need our time between 11:30 and 12:00 for our lunch and to prepare for the afternoon session.



1.  Please do not bring your child before the appointed time (8:30 or 12:00).  Teachers need this time for organizing the day’s activities.

2.  Please use a quiet voice in the classroom.  We try to keep the classroom a calm and quiet place.  If all adults use quiet voices, it helps the children use quiet voices.  We ask adults to step out to the hall for conversations with each other. 

3.  Please pick up your child ON TIME (11:30 or 3:00).

4.  Hold your child’s hand in the parking lot, and take extreme caution when driving in the parking lot.

5.  Never pull up to the front of the church for pick ups and drop offs.  Park your car in the lot and walk your child in or out.