Job Application

Church Street Preschool is a private, non-profit, co-operative preschool. Parents, teachers and the community work together to make our program successful. Our curriculum is interactive, developed by certified teachers and designed to instill a sense of fun, confidence and accomplishment.



Our Purpose: To give children opportunities for learning experiences in a supportive environment while encouraging intellectual, social, emotional and physical development.


Our Philosophy:

·        Children learn and grow at different rates.

·        Children learn best when they are able to pursue their own interests.

·        Play is a critical part of a child’s development.

·        At the end of each day, every child should feel happy and successful.


Our Educational Methods: Church Street Preschool uses activity areas set up throughout the classroom for children to choose their own work. They are free to explore and manipulate, encouraging independence and self-sufficiency. The children will also spend part of their day participating in teacher directed activities such as music, art, cooking, puppetry and science. Literature and daily group time activities are provided.



·        School location: First Presbyterian Church, Burnsville

·        Starting employment date: mid-August 2023

·        Days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday

·        Hours: 8:00-4:00

·        Educational requirement: High school diploma or higher

·        Hourly pay: $16.00 and up, determined by qualifications, experience and education

·        School open: September - May



Application Process: To apply, call Becky D'Elia at 717-701-0396 or the school at 828-682-4979. Application Deadline: