
Discipline Policy

Our policy on discipline begins with our own attitudes. We assume that the children want to do the right thing, and we try to nurture their innate kindness. We try to guide them in continuing to develop respect for the rights and feelings of others, as well as respect for themselves.

We try to keep our RULES few, simple and clear as possible:

1.) Everyone must be kind to one another. No hitting or hurting.

2.) Walk quietly in the classroom and hall. No running indoors.

3.) Talk quietly indoors. No shouting.

4.) No gross-motor play in the classroom. No “wrestling” anywhere.

5.) Use all materials carefully, safely, and quietly.

6.) Each child must put away his/her own work. Whoever takes the work from the shelf must put it away before another

child uses it.

When a child hurts another on purpose, that child must sit in “time out” for a few minutes. Then we ask that child to comfort the one s/he has hurt. If the hurt is accidental, we teach the child to say, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

If a child is disruptive, we give him a warning before asking him to take “time-out.” If a child is unable to go by him/herself, we might pick him up gently and take him to “time-out” or to another room if necessary. (The child will not be left unattended.) On rare occasions, if we feel a child’s behavior is too disruptive to the rest of the class, we might call a parent to come to take the child home for the rest of the day. We do not use any physical means of discipline.

Our aim is to provide an environment that leads to the kind of behavior we want. From the beginning, the children learn that this is their school and that they can help make it a happy place. We try to have many interesting and exciting learning opportunities in an atmosphere that is relaxed and secure. We try to keep a close watch on the children to avoid problems.

Our discipline techniques will also include positive reinforcement, structure, allowing choices, problem solving, role-playing, redirecting and setting clear and consistent expectations. We try to help the child resolve the conflict on his/her own. Our goal is to help the children become responsible and cooperative participants in our program through positive, non-threatening discipline methods. Obedience is expected, but we try to reasonable in our expectations.

Illness Policy

During the first 24 hours of an illness such as the common cold, sore throat, or gastrointestinal upset, students are required to stay home until the illness has run its course. If a child has been sick he/she should not return to school until he/she can participate fully in all preschool activities. This includes outdoor play. We regret that we do not have the staffing to keep a child in the playroom while all others are outside.

No one is to attend school when a fever is present and a child should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. If a child becomes ill at school the parent will be notified. There will be no medications given at school. In the event of an accident requiring medical care, we will notify the parents. If they or the emergency contact person cannot be reached, the child will be taken to the emergency room to be attended by the physician on call.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Church Street Preschool admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its policies and programs.